正规博彩十大网站的工程理学硕士(MSE)旨在加强学生的技术能力, 分析 and professional breadth and depth. 所有获得MSE学位的学生都将完成一套涵盖更广泛的研究和分析主题的核心课程.


工程理学硕士(MSE)课程旨在加强学生的技术能力, 分析, and professional breadth and depth. 所有获得MSE学位的学生都将完成一套涵盖更广泛的研究和分析主题的核心课程. 学生在完成学士学位后被允许进入MSE项目. Traditional MSE students may qualify for a graduate assistantship, which provides tuition and a living stipend.


  • 土木工程 (Environmental and Structural)
  • 计算机工程, 电气工程
  • 机械工程
  • 工程管理

“The small class sizes were one of the things that liked about Pacific. I transferred here from a community college over in Pittsburgh, near Antioch, CA. 所以,我真的很感激你的小班授课,并真正了解了你的教授. 我在这里发现的一件事是,你的教授很多时候是你的指导老师,这实际上有很大的不同,因为教授知道事情的来龙去脉,知道在你选修其他课程之前,真正需要的课程是什么.”

本科课程MSE学生必须在他们的MSE研究之前或期间完成给定的浓度. Download a pdf version of these prerequisites (pdf).

Students interested in 计算机科学
  • 数据结构(comp53)
  • 一学期微积分
  • 统计数据
  • Discrete Mathematics (COMP 47)
  • 算法(comp157)
  • 计算机理论(comp147)
  • Operating Systems (COMP 173)
  • Programming Languages (COMP 141)
Students interested in Structural Engineering
  • 微积分III(数学55)
  • Computer Programming (ENGR 19)
  • 颂歌(数学57)
  • 物理(物理53)
  • 静力学(engr20)
  • 机械工程anics of Materials (ENGR 121)
  • Introduction to Structural Engineering (CIVL 100)
Students interested in 电气工程
  • 微积分III(数学55)
  • 颂歌(数学57)
  • 数据结构(comp053)
  • Electric Circuits (ECPE 041/041L)
  • Digital Design (ECPE 071/071L)
  • 系统分析(ECPE 121)
  • 电子产品(ECPE 131/131L)
  • 物理II (PHYS 55)
Students interested in Environmental Engineering
  • 微积分III(数学55)
  • 化学(CHEM 24)
  • Computer Programming (ENGR 19)
  • 颂歌(数学57)
  • 静力学(engr20)
  • Fluid 机械工程anics I/L (CIVL 130/L)
  • Intro to Environmental Engineering (CIVL 132)
Students interested in 计算机工程
  • 微积分III(数学55)
  • 颂歌(数学57)
  • Discrete Math for 计算机科学 (COMP 047)
  • 数据结构(comp053)
  • Electric Circuits (ECPE 041/041L)
  • Digital Design (ECPE 071/071L)
  • 系统分析(ECPE 121)
  • 微控制器(ECPE 172)
Students interested in 机械工程
  • 微积分III(数学55)
  • 颂歌(数学57)
  • 机械工程. 同上. 图像(MECH 015)
  • Electric Circuits (ECPE 041/041L)
  • Computer Programming (ENGR 19)
  • 静力学(engr20)
  • Materials Science (ENGR 45)
  • 仪器仪表(engr110)
  • 动力学(engr120)
  • 机械工程anics of Materials (ENGR 121)
  • 热力学(engr122)
Students interested in 工程管理
  • Three semesters math (incl Calculus II MATH 53)
  • 概率 & 统计数据 (MATH 37 or MATH 39)
  • Computer Programming (ENGR 19 or COMP 51)
  • Project Decision Making (EMGT 170)


  • A broad understanding of problem-solving, 设计, 以及在工程和计算机科学的跨学科领域工作所必需的研究技能 
  • 在一个领域有足够的深度,能够设计复杂的系统或追求更高的学位
  • 作为专业工程师或计算机科学家从事终身职业所必需的技能

学生可以完成以下两个学位计划之一的MSE计划的要求:论文或非论文计划, each requiring a minimum number of 30 units. 论文计划将要求学生进行独立的研究,并将最终在基于研究结果的论文的完成. 论文计划是为那些打算从事研究或博士学位的学生准备的.

学生可以完成以下两个学位计划之一的MSE计划的要求:论文或非论文计划, each requiring a minimum number of 30 units.

The non-thesis plan requirements may be completed following one of two options:

  1. 项目: Primarily intended for students concurrently employed. 同时从事技术工作的MSE学生可以与他们的指导老师和工地主管一起为工地项目制定提案. The project should be complementary to their MSE curricular plans. It will presumably be a project which is of value to their employer. 假设学生/雇员将把这个项目作为他们正常工作的一部分, receiving normal pay; but this is not required by the university. 在项目完成后,学生将提交一份记录该项目的论文.
  2. 课程: Students can satisfy the entire 30 units through coursework. 这允许学生选修两门额外的课程,增加他们的技术广度和深度. 所有学生将完成一套核心课程,涵盖研究和分析的更广泛的主题,除了特定的课程,他们选择的集中.


回顾我们的 研究生学杂费 信息.

How can I find out if I qualify for financial aid?

By contacting the Office of 金融援助.  That office can be reached at 209.946.2421. 鼓励所有对MSE项目感兴趣的学生与财政援助办公室核实,看看他们是否有资格获得援助.  对混合项目感兴趣的学生也应该在提交项目申请之前检查一下,看看混合项目对本科生经济援助计划有什么影响.

What time of day are the classes scheduled for?

Classes are offered both daytime and evening.


Yes, we will try to offer at least two early evening classes per semester. We cannot, however, guarantee to offer the entire program through night classes.

What concentrations does the MSE offer?

MSE提供四个专业:土木工程(环境和结构), Computer/电气工程, 机械工程, 工程管理.

When do you need to apply in order to be considered for this program?

The MSE has a rolling deadline, which means we take applications year round; however, some scholarships and assistantships are awarded as appropriate students are accepted; so there is some advantage to submitting your application as soon as possible.

What are the requirements for international applicants?

The minimum requirements are: GRE + Verbal & Quantitative = 300 and Analytical = 3.0gpa = 3.0TOEFL minimum scores = Computer-based 213, 基于互联网的= 79-80, Paper-based = 550TOEFL scores can be no older than two years old. GRE scores can be no older than five years old. Letters of Recommendation can be no older than one year old. Supporting Bank Documentation can be no older than six months.

How do I sign up for the GRE's?

There are two ways of taking the GRE: the computer-based and the paper-based.

  1. 计算机考试安排在一周的任何一天(通常例外)。, but are only offered at specific testing centers. The closest to our campus is in Fair Oaks, which is near Sacramento.
  2. Paper-based systems are offered in batches - much like the FE exam, SAT, etc. 这些在更广泛的地点提供,但只在特定(但经常)的日期. 更多的 info and sign up 信息.

What is a 研究生 Assistantship?

The primary purpose of a 研究生 Assistantship (GA, 无论是教学还是研究)都是为了帮助有才华的研究生在他们的MSE学位中进行至少一年的全日制研究生学习. GAs以多种方式支持工程与计算机科学学院,承担以下类型的职责:教授实验课程, providing technical and staff support, working on special School or Departmental projects, and supporting faculty in their re搜索 and teaching. 具体职责在每个学期的工作计划中定义,这些工作计划由每个GA与其教师或行政主管共同制定.

How many units can students transfer in from other colleges or universities?



混合工程硕士课程是soecs -本科课程的学生在完成本科学位要求后开始学习研究生课程的加速途径. 应用, students must have Junior or Senior class standing by the term for which they apply, and must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0被考虑.




  1. Attend an MSE info session — 这些都是了解这个项目和回答你的问题的好机会. You can find the next session on the SOECS活动日历 或者通过联系 Dr. Vivek Pallipuram.
  2. Develop a plan of study with your advisor — 与你的学术顾问预约,制定学习计划,包括完成MSE学位所需的研究生课程.
  3. 访问 the Office of 金融援助 — 与财务援助顾问预约查看你的学习计划,了解混合型项目如何影响你的财务援助.
  4. 应用- Click on the link below, and fill out the application. Submit the completed form to 凯伦·奥利瓦s,同时还有 Change of Program form (pdf). Only the top portion of the Change of Program needs to be filled out.




